jQuery Mobile Website Source Code
jQuery Mobile Website Source Code was introduced up to jQuery Version: 1.10.2 and jQuery Mobile Version 1.4.2.
jQuery Mobile Website Source Code Features:
- The Theme Roller has been integrated into this release as well, now you can custom style your entire website from start to finish with a click of a button.
- Ability to change website name and copyright information for the footer.
- Ability to choose menu panel locations (left or right), and style (overlay, reveal, or push).
- Ability to setup twitter widget to display embedded timeline.
- Ability to setup facebook embedded activity to be displayed on the frontend.
- Ability to choose whether you want a custom background or the theme roller’s background.
- Ability to upload your very own custom background image to be used.
- Ability to modify the header’s top border color, and top border thickness.
- Ability to modify the header’s bottom border color, and bottom border thickness.
- Ability to modify the page header’s (h3 tags) font color.
- Ability to modify footer’s top border color, and thickness, as well as the footer’s text font color.
- Ability to set the header’s height manually as well as the dimensions on the current logo.