Online Time Schedule Generator Management System in PHP with Source Code
Online Time Schedule Generator Management System in PHP with Source Code is a web-based utility that guides you about the schedule management system.
Despite the fact that most faculty administrative work has been computerized, the lecture timetable scheduling continues to be principally finished manually resulting from its inherent difficulties.
The manual lecture-timetable scheduling calls for appreciable effort and time.
Lecture-timetable scheduling is a constraint satisfaction drawback in which we find an answer that satisfies the given set of constraints.
Creating such a schedule manually is a complex and time-consuming process. By automating this process with a computer-assisted schedule generator can save a lot of precious time for administrators who are involved in creating and managing course schedules.
Online Time Schedule Generator Management System
Online Time Schedule Generator Management System in PHP with Source Code Features
- Admin
- Teacher/Consultant/Faculty
- Student
- Admin: The web page requires a person id and password to begin the appliance.
- Login is a process by which a particular person access to a computer system is managed by identifying and authenticating the person through the cardinalities introduced by the person.
- Admin can add or delete the category, subcategory, and so forth.
- Teacher: Staff can register by admin.
- The staff has to log in to get extra information about the time schedule Dashboard.
- Student: College students can register the account by clicking on the new register.
- He/she will add the account for the varied Courses.
- The student has to login to get extra information about the time schedule.